The Real Thing - Birth of Little Kee Chor
I am officially promoted to the rank of father with effect from 18 October 2006, 1:56pm, with the birth of our baby boy today. Both Irene and Baby are well. Epidural worked wonders and Irene delivered the baby almost without any pain. Three long pushes and our baby emerged shrieking with life! Here are some pics of our baby 'Shan Le' or 陳善樂 in Chinese. I will explain the choice of the name in another posting.
Before we went to sleep last night at around 11:30pm, Irene felt some discomfort at her cervics area. The pain was so slight and we decided to wait and see. At around 2:30pm, she woke me up again complaining of more pain. Is it another false alarm? I loaded the lessons learnt from the ante-natal classes and asked Irene to describe her pain - is it regular? is the pain coming on stronger increasingly? is the pain similar to cramps just before her period? Irene couldn't really describe her discomfort and so we waited. She went to the toilet shortly after. She has bled again, but the stains were not bright red or brownish, but pinkish. This is one of the three signs of labour that we learnt. I quickly gave my father-in-law a call and started to pack in all the toiletries in the maternity bag. We were off to the hospital in no time.
Irene was warded in the delivery ward immediately and dilation has started. It was 4:09am. By 9:00am, the dilation was only 1 cm and we thought it could be another false alarm. Our gynae came and we found out that Irene's waterbag has ruptured and the baby has to be delivered today. As the contraction was slow, labour was induced and epidural administered.
By 1:00pm, the dilation came to about 8-9cm and we were told that our gynae would be here anytime soon to deliver the baby. Irene was oblivious to the pain becasue of the epidural. Our gyane arrived at around 1:30pm and the pushing began. It was a painless process and with the help of the vacuum cup, our baby was delivered at 1:56pm. The epidural has greatly distorted our excitement. It was only when I held our baby in my arms then I realised I am now a father. The feeling was strange... The more I looked at our baby boy, I more I grown on him. I am going to spoil him I think. Let's hope not.
I will have time to share my feelings and thoughts in my future postings. Now, I better go back to Irene. She's now in pain after the epidural withered off.
More pics and video clips coming your way. Watch this space!
Congratulations KeeChor! And to Irene, 你辛苦了!!!!
From the bigger photo on the blog, I think that KeeChor Junior looks just like Daddy! Don't you think so?
Btw, this is the 4th person that I know that is born on 18 Oct! One is my Uni friend's daughter, QiQi. She is 4 years old this year. The other is Steve aka Ma-Da from SAROC! And the last one is my friend's husband. Be assured. All the men are tall and above 175cm!
Will see the rest of the SAROC gang at the 1-month party!
hi kee chor,
congrats to u and irene~! promoted to parents fast!
shower ur wife and son wif LOVE LOVE LOVE!
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